Behind the Shutters

At The Green Witch Cottage, our products are crafted to be gentle for little ones yet powerful for any witch looking to harness nature's magick. Our natural products are sure to transform the mundane into magickal, infusing ritual into your everyday lives.

Respect for nature is at the core of our mission, reflected in our use of locally sourced or hand foraged ingredients. Each product is crafted lovingly in small batches and imbued with intention through ritual.

We are thrilled to impart the power and wisdom of herbs to you and your loved ones.

Respect for All Beings

We recognizes the inherent worth and dignity of every living being, regardless of species, status, or relationship to humans. It encompasses empathy, compassion, and an acknowledgment of the interconnectedness of all life forms.

Education and Empowerment

Empowering customers with knowledge about herbal remedies, sustainable living, and holistic health practices through educational resources, workshops, and community engagement.

Quality and Purity

Dedication to the highest standards of quality and purity in sourcing and processing herbs, prioritizing organic and ethically harvested ingredients free from harmful chemicals or additives.

Meet the Witch

Hello lovelies! I am Rachel, the herbalist and witch at The Green Witch Cottage. Nature has always held a special place in my heart, with the woods being my sacred sanctuary.

As many of my loved ones can attest to, The Green Witch Cottage has been a vision of mine for quite some time. My purpose here on this beautiful planet is to help share the knowledge that is our birthright - the wisdom of plant medicine. I found myself contemplating various ways to kick off this endeavor until I embarked on the journey of motherhood. It was then that everything fell into place, guided by the perfect timing of the Universe, revealing to me the ideal starting point to share my passion and knowledge.

During my pregnancy journey, I discovered a lack of local options for natural pregnancy and baby care products. This inspired me to leverage my herbal expertise to craft natural remedies for myself during pregnancy and for my precious son as he entered our family. I am honored to share these products with you and your family.